JW Vineyards & Winery
Address: 4080 Old Redwood Hwy, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Phone: (888) 946-3708
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.jjcustomwines.com
JW is a good vineyard and winery place for customers to taste wine and buy their favorite bottles of wine. Red Grape and Onion Wine is their most popular one which is made with 100% American grape juice and red onions. Their wines are absolutely trustable with a TTB registered trademark. JW provides services of putting on birthday, wedding, and other types of celebration tags on customers’ wine bottles for free. Whenever you go to Manila Oriental Market, Ranch 99 Market, Marina Grocery, Lion Food Center, and Oakland ParkNshop, you can buy their Red Grape and Onion Wine.
Recently, JW has launched the Wisconsin Ginseng White Wine that could improve skin, reduce chance of getting cardiovascular disease, prevent aging, and improve blood circulations.
JW’s wine tasting room is now opened for customers to taste different kinds of luxury wine. If you wish to buy one for your family, friends or your other half, please pay a visit.
Wine Tasting Room
- Reservation please call: (707) 799-4202 / (707) 548-3979
- Email: [email protected]
*California customers can receive free shipping with the purchase of a box of wine.
*Now hiring Sales who know Mandarin and Cantonese, please call (707) 799-4202 for Joanne if interested.
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